Michael McCoy, Ph.D.
- Ph.D., University of Florida, 2006
Research Interests
- Evolutionary Ecology and Adaptation
- Multiple stressor effects
- Complex Life Histories and Across Ecosystem Interactions
- Predator – Prey Interactions
Research Description
Our research combines observational, experimental, and mathematical approaches to better understand the ecological and evolutionary processes that regulate populations, communities and ecosystems. Research in the lab spans a wide variety of topics, species, and ecosystem types which reflects our broad interests.
Representative Publications
- McCoy, Michael W., Michael Barfield, and Robert D. Holt. "Predator shadows: complex life histories as generators of spatially patterned indirect interactions across ecosystems." Oikos1 (2009): 87-100.
- McCoy, Michael W., Adrian C. Stier, and Craig W. Osenberg. "Emergent effects of multiple predators on prey survival: the importance of depletion and the functional response." Ecology letters12 (2012): 1449-1456.
- Albecker, Molly A., and Michael W. McCoy. "Local adaptation for enhanced salt tolerance reduces non‐adaptive plasticity caused by osmotic stress." Evolution9 (2019): 1941-1957.
- Touchon, Justin C., and Michael W. McCoy. "The mismatch between current statistical practice and doctoral training in ecology." Ecosphere8 (2016): e01394.
Scholarly Activities