Chelsea Bennice, Ph.D

Chelsea Bennice

Dr. Bennice joined the FAU Marine Lab in the Spring 2023 semester as a Postdoctoral fellow in the Glenn W. and Cornelia T. Bailey Marine SEA Scholars program. She is a marine ecologist specializing in octopus behavior. Dr. Bennice studies several “octo-topics” including habitat resource use, skin microbiome, genetics, and morphology. Fieldwork and SCUBA diving play a big role in Dr. Bennice’s research projects! She serves as a committee member on FAU’s scientific diving and boating board.

Dr. Bennice is an advocate for bridging scientists and the community, making her a perfect fit for the Glenn W. and Cornelia T. Bailey SEA Scholars program. Scientific outreach and communication has always been a component of her research and a passion of hers. She believes that it’s extremely important not only to do the research but to share scientific discoveries both with fellow scientists AND the public of all ages. In her free time, she likes to get outside, get in a good workout, SCUBA dive, and practice underwater photography. She is enjoying her new-found hobby of tropical plant keeping. At the top of her bucket list is swimming with sperm whales!