Research Ethics Resources

Participants in FAU Biology graduate programs are expected to adhere to the FAU honor code (section 6C 5.4. 001 of the Graduate policies and procedure manual) and to familiarize themselves with the ethical research conduct. The links shown below provide a starting point for those who seek to understand the basis of integrity in science.


What is Plagiarism?




The Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science at Case Western Reserve University - Reference Materials on Research Ethics

The mission of the Ethics Center is to provide engineers, scientists and science and engineering students with resources useful for understanding and addressing ethically significant problems that arise in their work life. The Center is also intended to serve teachers of engineering and science students who want to include discussion of ethical problems closely related to technical subjects as a part of science and engineering courses, or in free-standing subjects in professional ethics or in research ethics for such students. See


On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct In Research

A must read book for students starting a research career and for the faculty. Range of issues including plagiarism, authorship, conflict of interest and misconduct in science are covered with numerous case studies. (From the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy Press, Washington DC 1995). See


The Office of Research Integrity

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) promotes integrity in biomedical and behavioral research supported by the U. S. Public Health Service (PHS) at about 4,000 institutions worldwide. ORI monitors institutional investigations of research misconduct and facilitates the responsible conduct of research (RCR) through educational, preventive, and regulatory activities.

Responsible Conduct for Research Education Committee (RCREC) 

The need for Responsible Conduct in Research (RCR) is becoming increasingly clear. Many Universities are becoming members of this Committee. See


RCR educational resources


Ethics in Science - Publications, Resources and Essays




Journal on Bioethics


Additional Links and Publications

Awareness of publication guidelines and the responsible conduct of research

Beyond conflict of interest: the responsible conduct of research

Six domains of research ethics. A heuristic framework for the responsible conduct of research 

Ownership of research data

Intellectual property and control