Student Spotlight: Finding Support and Resources 

“I found out that I was not alone in this endeavor and that it is extremely important to reach out for help,” reflects Jorge Torres, a pre-health track Biology major. 

cesar rivas

How did you get involved with research?

I feel that research is not as widely known as it should be as there are multiple and varied research opportunities available. In order to find an appropriate research opportunity that fits a student’s goals and interests one must find out the main subject of the research, who is leading the research, the goals of the research, and the time commitment that it will require. This information is accessible through the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (OURI) and the FAU Research Hub.

How can students make lasting connections at FAU?

The best way I made meaningful connections at FAU was by getting involved in extracurricular activities such as clubs, research, and sports. My involvement in the clubs of PHA and GMB have provided me with a great group of like-minded individuals who have helped me with academic advice and tips on how to succeed at FAU. Research has introduced me to people who mentor me and inspire me to excel. Sports support my personal health goals and allow me to gain new connections that extend outside my academic field.

As a student leader, you try to support student interests and needs.  Do clubs help with student success?

Absolutely! Clubs help with the development of leadership skills, networking, and allow students to explore other opportunities outside their scope of study. As a student-club leader, I help other students succeed with their academic and personal goals by providing guidance and resources that I have obtained from past and present mentors, club leaders, advisors, and friends.

Tell us about your favorite Biology moment

Looking back at my freshman year at FAU, taking the Biodiversity course with Dr. Brooks was one of my most memorable and impactful semesters in my academic journey so far.  This class posed many challenges. So, I had to reach out to my fellow classmates and campus resources, and I then realized how many resources and support are available to students. I found out that I was not alone in this endeavor and that it is extremely important to reach out for help.

Jorge is also a member of the Tiny Earth Lab where he conducts research on antibiotic producing bacteria found in the soil, and he serves as vice-president of the Global Medical Brigades and treasurer of the Pre-Health Ambassadors.