Integrative Biology-Neuroscience Concentration Program Faculty

NameArea of EmphasisInstitution
Anderson, RindyBehavioral ecology, communication, cognition, sexual selectionFAU College of Science
Assis, RaquelData science applications in evolutionary genomicsFAU College of Engineering and Computer Science
Barenholtz, ElanPsychophysical and computational approaches to visual and multisensory perception and recognition.FAU Psychology and Center for Complex Systems
Bidaye, SalilNeuronal control of locomotionMax Planck Florida Institute
Blakely, Randy D.Synaptic Genetics, Neurochemistry and Pharmacology; Animal Models of Neuropsychiatric Disorders; Transporter Proteins and Psychoactive DrugsFAU Brain Institute
Bolton, M. McLeanDisorders of neural circuit functionMax Planck Florida Institute
Carvelli, LuciaMolecular mechanisms of drug addiction; pharmacology and physiology of dopaminergic synapsesFAU Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Claiborne, BrendaNeuronal development in human hippocampal formation and learning in aged individualsFAU College of Science
Davis, Ronald L.Molecular and cellular basis for learning; diseases that affect learning and memoryThe Scripps Research Institute
Dawson-Scully, Ken Neurobiology of cellular stress and neuroprotection using live cell imaging, electrophysiology and behavior geneticsNova Southeastern University
Duboue, ErikEffects of early stress on brain circuitry and function and the etiology of Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderFAU Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Fields, Gregg B.Extracellular matrix biochemistry, synthetic protein design and constructionFAU Chemistry and Biochemistry; Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
Fitzpatrick, DavidFunctional organization and development of neural circuits in the cerebral cortex, neural basis of visual perceptionMax Planck Florida Institute
Fontenas, LauraDevelopmental neurobiology, glia - from neural precursors to myelinating cells, and nervous system transition zonesFAU College of Science
Ghoraani, BehnazBiomedical signal analysis, data science, machine learning, deep learning, long-term and continuous health monitoring, remote and personalized therapeutic management, Cardiac electrophysiology, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's diseaseFAU College of Engineering and Computer Science
Godenschwege, TanjaMolecular and cellular neuroscience, neurodevelopment, cellular basis of neurological disorders and drug discoveryFAU College of Science
Grant, PatrickChromatin Biology and EpigeneticsBiomedical Science, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Guthrie, KathleenNeurobiologyBiomedical Science, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Hahn, WilliamDeep learning neural networks, sparse modeling, compressed sensing, adversarial networks, and reinforcement learning models of brain function.FAU Center for Complex Systems
Hallstrom, JasonSensing systems, data management, affective computing, software engineeringFAU College of Engineering and Computer Science
Hansen, CarlUnderstanding G-protein mediated signaling inputs regulating angiogenesisFAU College of Science
Inagaki, HidehikoNeural dynamics and cognitive functionsMax Planck Florida Institute
Isgor, CeylanNeuromorphological, behavioral and molecular consequences of chronic, variable stress during peripubertal-juvenile period in ratsBiomedical Science, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Isom, DanielpH regulation of cell signaling, drug discovery, informaticsMolecular and Cellular Pharmacology, University of Miami
Ja, WilliamMolecular genetics of aging, behavior and diseaseThe Scripps Research Institute
Jia, KailiangMolecular regulation of agingFAU College of Science
Kelso, ScottMechanisms of self-organization underlying the coordination of brain and behavior.FAU Psychology and Center for Complex Systems
Khamoui, AndyUse of pre-clinical mouse models and human subjects to study cancer cachexia, skeletal muscle biology, exercise physiology, and mitochondrial function in health and disease.FAU Exercise Science and Health Promotion
Li, DaweiGenomics and bioinformaticsFAU Biomedical Science
Macleod, GregMitochondrial support of neurotransmission, pH influences on synaptic plasticity, neurotransmission and agingFAU Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
Mari, FrankPeptides and proteins of marine origin, especially those from predatory venomous mollusks belonging to the genus Conus (cone snails), biochemically and functionally characterize components of interest Hollings Marine Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Miller, CourtneyNeurobiological underpinnings of memory disorders, with the goal of developing novel therapeuticsThe Scripps Research Institute
Milton, Sarah L.Vertebrate anoxia tolerance, marine turtle physiologyFAU College of Science
Murphey, RodDevelopment and degeneration of synapsesFAU College of Science
Page, DamonGenetic regulation of growth and connectivity in the developing brain, and how cognition is shaped by the interplay of these "hard-wiring" processes and adaptation via plasticity. The Scripps Research Institute
Pena, RodrigoComputational Neuroscience and Machine Learning; How different levels of brain organization communicate; Pathological and healthy states; Ion channels, neurons, and networks.FAU College of Science
Puthanveettil, SathyanarayananMolecular and cellular basis of long-term memory storage and its disordersThe Scripps Research Institute
Rangaraju, VidhyaCellular and Molecular Neuroscience, NeuroenergeticsMax Planck Florida Institute
Robishaw, JanetGenomics and Precision MedicineBiomedical Science, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Rumbaugh, GavinHow synaptic proteins actively contribute to memory formation and storageThe Scripps Research Institute
Shanbhag, VenkateshOrganic Synthesis, Bio-active molecules, Natural ProductsDepartment of Chemistry and Physics, Nova Southeastern University
Shen, WenNeurophysiology, receptor pharmacology, synapsis, glutamate toxicityDepartment of Biomedical Science, FAU
Stackman, Jr., Robert W.Learning and memoryDepartment of Psychology and Center for Complex Systems, FAU
Stern, SarahNeuroscience, Neural Circuits and Behavior, TranscriptomicsMax Planck Florida Institute
Tao, RuiNeural circuits affected by drug abuse, Psychostimulant-induced hallucinations, Environmental factor-dependent effects of psychostimulantsDepartment of Biomedical Science, FAU
Telkes, IlknurBiomedical signal processing and machine learning, neural markers, neuromodulation implants (e.g., spinal cord stimulation, deep brain stimulation), chronic pain, movement disorders, clinical research, medical technologiesFAU College of Medicine
Toll, LawrenceNeuropharmacology of opioid and nicotinic receptors with respect to pain and drug abuseFAU College of Medicine
Van Praag, HenrietteRegulation and function of adult hippocampal neurogenesisDepartment of Biomedical Science, FAU
Varela, CarmenThalamic circuits and their contribution to the mechanisms of learning.FAU Psychology
Vertes, RobertBehavioral neuroscience, functional organization of the brainstem and its role in controlling the activity of the forebrain and neurophysiology of sleepDepartment of Psychology and Center for Complex Systems, FAU
Wang, YingxueNeuronal mechanisms of episodic memoryMax Planck Florida Institute
Wei, JianningNeurodegenerative disordersDepartment of Biomedical Science, FAU
Weissbach, Herbert Effect of oxidative stress on normal and cancer cellsFAU College of Science
West, LyndonDiscovery of pharmacologically-active metabolites from marine invertebrates, anti-cancer and anti-microbial agents, use of stem cells in developing new drugs for cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseasesFAU Chemistry and Biochemistry
Wu, Jang YenNeurotransmission and brain disordersDepartment of Biomedical Science, FAU
Xu, BaojiHow neural circuits are formed, modified, and maintained in the brainThe Scripps Research Institute
Yasuda, RyoheiNeuronal signal transductionMax Planck Florida Institute