marinelab Dr. Wyneken

FAU Marine Lab in the Media

Fulfilling Our Mission

FAU Marine Science Laboratory’s primary mission is to communicate scientific information to the public. Media appearances help us accomplish that goal by expanding our audience and methods of outreach. The more media outlets showcasing our research, the more people we are able to share our discoveries with, and the importance of this research. Take a look below at the various media we have been featured in over the years. We are proud to have been most recently featured in the FAU Division of Research’s Science in Seconds series!

Recent Media Highlights

Watch Baby Sea Turtles Get Released Into The Ocean Live On TODAY

Climate Change Causing More Turtles To Be Born Female-NBC News

Media Library


Foundation Gift of 1.6M to Glenn W. and Cornelia T. Bailey Marine SEA Scholars program


USA Today: Are Shark Attacks Increasing? What Experts Have to Say

ABC Action News: Man Recovering From Shark Bite on the Florida Coast in State's Third Attack in a Month

Florida Today: How are Sharks and Stingrays Similar?

Rain or Shine? How Rainfall Impacts Size of Sea Turtle Hatchlings

Thresher Shark] Sleek, Poetic... and Deadly- National Science Foundation

Why do Cephalopods Make Ink? - Science Friday

Blood in the Water: Shark Smell Put to the Test - Science Friday 

Fear the Tails, Not the Jaws, of the 'Weirdo' Sharks - New York Times

Can Sharks Really Smell Blood from a Mile Away? - PBS Terra

CBS12 speaks exclusively to FAU professor on shark research conducted off coast of PBC 

Dr. Lauren Eve Simonitis conducting an experiment with Bonnethead Sharks 

How Do you Know Where a Fish Goes?- FAU News Desk 

FAU Marine Science Lab Receives $1.6M From Glenn W. Bailey Foundation- Fau News Desk

FAU Sea Turtle Experts Provide ‘Best Practices’ During Nesting Season- FAU News Desk

Anatomy, Physiology, and Behavior of Sea Turtles- CheloniaCast

Women Divers Hall of Fame Awards 2024 Scholarships and Grants- SCUBA Diving

Student Spotlight: Alexandra Hoey Studies Stressors that Influence Tropical Seagrass in Florida Bay- FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Science 

Cosmopolitan, Cryptic, and Complex- Oh My! Squid Species Secrets Revealed in New Paper, by Colleen Hecker- Integrative and Comparative Biology Blog 

Tracking the “Lost Years” of Leatherback Sea Turtles | WILD HOPE- Nature on PBS 


Science in Seconds, Sea Turtle Research with Dr. Wyneken- FAU Division of Research



Record Nesting Season- Florida Weekly

Florida Turtle Nests are Recovering. When They Hatch, Expect Mostly Girls- New York Times


Taking a Deeper Dive into Leatherback Health-Upwell Turtles

2023 Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition - Heat 5-FAUGraduateCollege

FAU Graduate Students Wins Award to Analyze How Baby Turtles Swim- FAU Research Daily

FAU Researcher Studies Sea Turtle Movement Patterns- FAU Research Daily

New Postdoc Shares Discoveries of Octopus, Sea Turtles- FAU Research Daily

Researchers are trying to get ahead of how extreme heat will affect baby sea turtles- NPR

Diving Into The World Of Sea Turtles- NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt Kids Edition


FAU Marine Science Lab Welcome Video-FAU OWL TV

Where'd That Little Turtle Go?- WSVN 7 News Miami

Aubrey Clark, FAU 2022 3MT® Competitor-FAUGraduateCollege

Watch Baby Sea Turtles Get Released Into The Ocean Live On TODAY

Sea Turtles on Weather or Not?

Meet Mac the 3D Model of a Leatherback Sea Turtle-Upwell Turtles



FAU 2021 3MT Competitor: Jamie Knaub-FAU Graduate College

Dive Into Shark Science-FAU Research

UMN Conservation Sciences Seminar - Dr. Stephen Kajiura (9/17/21)-Nicholas Phelps  


marinelab 2020


#FAU sea turtle researcher finds more human interruptions during nesting season-Florida Atlantic University

FAU 3MT® Competitor: Ivana Serra (Environmental Science)-FAU Graduate College

Colgan Foundation Supports FAU Shark Research-Florida Atlantic University

Can Sharks Detect Magnetic Fields? | Sharkcano-National Geographic

Shark Biomechanics (Swimming with Cartilage) with Dr. Marianne Porter-Shark Kids

Minorities in Shark Sciences featuring Dr. Marianne Porter

A Case of Mistaken Identity | Shark vs Surfer-National Geographic

Dr. Stephen Kajiura, Elasmobranch Research Laboratory-FAU Biological Sciences

Faculty video: Dr. Marianne Porter, Biomechanics Laboratory-FAU Biological Sciences

Zoom Series - Blacktip Shark Migrations with Stephen Kajiura-MEEC at the Carpenter House

Shark Super Senses with Dr. Stephen Kajiura-Shark Kids

2020 Coastal Lecture Series: "Seasonal Aggregations of Blacktip Sharks" by Dr. Stephen Kajiura-Florida Oceanographic Society  

The Practice of Science (Dr. Kajiura)-UF Thompson Earth Systems Institute TESI


marinelab 2019

FAU Marine Lab Gift-Florida Atlantic University

4ocean Partnerships | FAU® Marine Research Lab-4ocean

FAU® Marine Research Lab-4ocean

4ocean Partnerships | FAU Marine Research Lab and the Sea Turtles We’re Saving Together-4ocean

Protecting the Leatherback Sea Turtle-4ocean

Colgan Foundation Supports FAU Shark Research-Florida Atlantic University


Stephen KAJIURA 4/17/19 Sharks Are Snowbirds Too-FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute


marinelab 2018

Sea Turtle Research at Gumbo Limbo-Florida Atlantic University

4ocean Partnership | FAU® Marine Research Lab-4ocean

4ocean Partners with FAU® Marine Research Lab to Help Sea Turtles-4ocean

Why Fewer Blacktip Sharks Are Migrating to Florida | National Geographic

FAU Scientist Marianne Porter, Ph.D.-FAU Charles E. FAU Scientist Marianne Porter, Ph.D.-FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Science  


marinelab 2017

FAU's Dr. Steve Kajiura on GMA-Good Morning America

FAU 2017 3MT® Three Minute Thesis Championship Winner and People's Choice Winner - Boris Tezak-FAU Graduate College


marinelab 2015

Shark Migration-Discovery Canada


marinelab 2013

FAU Faculty Giving: Jeanette Wyneken-Florida Atlantic University


marinelab 2011

FAU Faculty Spotlight - Steve Kajiura, Ph.D.-Florida Atlantic University