Emily and turtles

Welcome to the Marine Lab

Established in 1990, the Florida Atlantic University Marine Science Laboratory, part of the Department of Biological Sciences in the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, is a unique site of scientific inquiry and discovery open for public viewing. Located at the Gumbo Limbo Environmental Complex in Boca Raton, FL, the lab’s faculty and students conduct world-class research while almost 200,000 annual visitors observe from the visitors' gallery above. The Marine Science Lab has served as the primary research site for over 200 peer reviewed scientific publications and nine book chapters. The overarching theme for the lab’s research is to address how marine organisms interact with their environments and the importance of these relationships to basic understanding and in support of conservation. The Marine Science Lab’s faculty and students investigate topics including sea turtle development and physiology, shark and ray sensory biology, seagrass ecology, and octopus behavior. Additionally, it is a mentoring hub for future scientists and science communicators, with unparalleled experiential learning opportunities that translate to professional roles in the sciences, government organizations, or the private sector.

Please visit us today or join us at an upcoming outreach event!

Underwater with octopus turtles in tank research boat, students and shark

Mission Statement

"The mission of the FAU Marine Science Laboratory is to provide a site suitable for performing research, educating students on how to advance our knowledge of and protection of marine life, and fostering communication of what is learned to the general public."

Support the Science

Please Consider Donating Today

Raising Leatherback hatchlings can cost over $1,000 per turtle. Hard shelled turtles (Loggerhead and Green turtle) can cost $120 per turtle. The research at the FAU Marine Lab is supported by philanthropic contributions both big and small. Please consider donating today.



A drawing of Leatherback turtles in natural habitat


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