Name | Area of Emphasis | Institution |
Ajemian, Matthew | Fisheries ecology and conservation | FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Allani, Shailaja | The role of oxidative stress on aging and age-related diseases | FAU Chemistry and Biochemistry | Anderson, Rindy | Behavioral ecology, communication, cognition, sexual selection | FAU College of Science | Asghar, Waseem | Micro and nanotechnology in medicine | FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science | Assis, Raquel | Data science applications in evolutionary genomics | FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science | Baldwin, John D. | Population genetics and reproductive biology | FAU College of Science | Barenholtz, Elan | Psychophysical and computational approaches to visual and multisensory perception and recognition. | FAU Psychology and Center for Complex Systems | Baronas-Lowell, Ph.D., Diane | Antibiotic Discovery, Molecular Biology, Citizen Science | Icon, PLC Bioanalytical Labs | Beckler, Jordon | Developing and applying autonomous biogeochemical sensing technologies to constrain fundamental elemental cycling mechanisms and rates in redox environments | FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Bidaye, Salil | Neuronal control of locomotion | Max Planck Florida Institute | Blakely, Randy D. | Synaptic Genetics, Neurochemistry and Pharmacology; Animal Models of Neuropsychiatric Disorders; Transporter Proteins and Psychoactive Drugs | FAU Brain Institute | Bolton, M. McLean | Disorders of neural circuit function | Max Planck Florida Institute | Brooks, Randy | Marine behavioral ecology, symbiology, coral reefs | FAU College of Science | Caputi, Massimo | mRNA processing, mRNA splicing regulation, HIV-1 replication, Bcl apoptotic gene family regulation | FAU College of Medicine | Chaves-Fonnegra, Andia | Processes that structure marine habitats, especially coral reefs ecosystems; interactions among organisms and the surrounding environment; reproduction, evolution and connectivity of populations, particularly of sponges, corals and algae; how ecosystems and ecological interactions are altered by anthropogenic activities | FAU Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College | Cherubin, Laurent | Ocean and ecosystem dynamics, and marine connectivity. Tools consist of numerical modeling and field observations using autonomous platforms such as glider and advanced aerial and underwater sensing techniques. | FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Claiborne, Brenda | Neuronal development in human hippocampal formation and learning in aged individuals | FAU College of Science | Coen, Lauren | Oyster reef ecology, functioning and associated ecosystem services; marine habitat restoration; remote sensing and monitoring of intertidal habitats and water quality; benthic and shoreline ecology, plant-animal interactions | FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Curet, Oscar | Biological propulsion, the interconnection of fluid dynamics and animal locomotion, biomimetics, energy harvesting, bat flight, fish swimming, and direct simulation of freely swimming fish. | FAU Ocean and Mechanical Engineering | Davis, Megan | Develop aquaculture species for food, stock enhancement and to ease fishing pressure on wild stocks | FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Davis, Ronald L. | Molecular and cellular basis for learning; diseases that affect learning and memory | The Scripps Research Institute | Dawson-Scully, Ken | Neurobiology of cellular stress and neuroprotection using live cell imaging, electrophysiology and behavior genetics | Nova Southeastern University | DeGiorgio, Michael | Data science applications in population genomics | FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science | Detwiler, Kate | Primate hybridization and speciation, molecular primatology, primate behavioral ecology, conservation of African monkeys and their rainforest habitats | FAU College of Arts and Letters | Devlin , Donna J. | Plant-invertebrate effects on community composition, primarily in estuarine and marine settings (mangrove and salt marsh communities) | Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi | Dorn, Nathan | Freshwater ecology and community ecology | Florida International University | Du, Sarah | Biosensors and microfluidics for the study of cell biomechanics and biophysics, crossing disciplines by utilizing microfabrication, biosensing techniques, soft matter mechanics, biomaterials, and cell biology | FAU Ocean and Mechanical Engineering | Duboue, Erik | Effects of early stress on brain circuitry and function and the etiology of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder | FAU Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College | Encomio, Vincent | The oyster reef restoration project: restoration of the oyster beds of the St. Lucie River and Indian River Lagoon | Florida Oceanographic Society | Engeberg, Erik | Biomedical and Bioinspired robotics, sensors, actuators, control systems | FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science | Esiobu, Nwadiuto | Environmental microbiology, drug resistance and antimicrobiosis | FAU College of Science | Fadiman, Maria | Ethnobotany, Latin America, world cultures and environments, environmental issues, rain forest ecosystems | FAU Geosciences | Fahimipour, Ashkaan | Understanding and modeling complex ecosystems using mathematics and data science | FAU College of Science | Feller, Ilka | Animal-plant interactions; insect-plant interactions in estuarine and forested ecosystems | Smithsonian Environmental Research Center | Fields, Gregg B. | Extracellular matrix biochemistry, synthetic protein design and construction | FAU Chemistry and Biochemistry; Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology | Fitzpatrick, David | Functional organization and development of neural circuits in the cerebral cortex, neural basis of visual perception | Max Planck Florida Institute | Fontenas, Laura | Developmental neurobiology, glia - from neural precursors to myelinating cells, and nervous system transition zones | FAU College of Science | Ghoraani, Behnaz | Biomedical signal analysis, data science, machine learning, deep learning, long-term and continuous health monitoring, remote and personalized therapeutic management, Cardiac electrophysiology, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease | FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science | Gibble, Rebekah | Wetland management and conservation | Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge | Godenschwege, Tanja | Molecular and cellular neuroscience, neurodevelopment, cellular basis of neurological disorders and drug discovery | FAU College of Science | Goodbody-Gringley, Gretchen | Understanding how coral reef ecosystems function in order to maintain biodiversity; health, evolution, and resilience of coral reefs, ranging from shallow inshore reefs to the mesophotic zone | Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences | Grant, Patrick | Chromatin Biology and Epigenetics | Biomedical Science, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine | Guthrie, Kathleen | Neurobiology | Biomedical Science, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine | Guzman, Esther | Discovery of novel cancer therapeutics including both development of novel molecular target based assays and determination of the mechanism of action of compounds | Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Hahn, William | Deep learning neural networks, sparse modeling, compressed sensing, adversarial networks, and reinforcement learning models of brain function. | FAU Center for Complex Systems | Hallstrom, Jason | Sensing systems, data management, affective computing, software engineering | FAU College of Engineering and Computer Science | Hanisak, M. Dennis | Physiological Ecology of Marine Plants (Macroalgae and Seagrasses), Nutrient Dynamics, Coral Reef Ecology, Biology of Deep-water Macroalgae, Aquaculture (particularly Marine Plant Cultivation) | Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Hansen, Carl | Understanding G-protein mediated signaling inputs regulating angiogenesis | FAU College of Science | Hartmann, James X. | Immunotherapy for adult chronic lymphocytic leukemia and lupus | FAU College of Science | Herzing, Denise | Marine mammal behavior | Wild Dolphin Project | Huang, Xupei | Cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology, molecular cardiology | Biomedical Science, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine | Hueter, Robert | Anatomy, physiology, behavior, ecology, and fisheries biology of sharks worldwide | Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium | Hughes, Colin | Evolutionary and conservation genetics | FAU College of Science | Inagaki, Hidehiko | Neural dynamics and cognitive functions | Max Planck Florida Institute | Iragavarapu-Charyulu, Vijaya | Immunology, inflammation and cancer | FAU Biomedical Science | Isgor, Ceylan | Neuromorphological, behavioral and molecular consequences of chronic, variable stress during peripubertal-juvenile period in rats | Biomedical Science, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine | Isom, Daniel | pH regulation of cell signaling, drug discovery, informatics | Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology, University of Miami | Ja, William | Molecular genetics of aging, behavior and disease | The Scripps Research Institute | Jia, Kailiang | Molecular regulation of aging | FAU College of Science | Jiang, Mingshun | Estuarine and coastal dynamics, ocean iron and carbon cycles, water quality, ecosystem functioning, and coastal inundation. | FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Kajiura, Stephen | Functional morphology and sensory biology of marine fish | FAU College of Science | Kamasawa, Naomi | Electron microscopy | Max Planck Florida Institute | Kang, Kevin | Biomaterials, stem cell and tissue engineering, and bone regeneration. | FAU Ocean and Mechanical Engineering | Kantorow, Marc | The molecular genetics of eye diseases including age-related human cataract and age-related macular degeneration | Biomedical Science, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine | Kelso, Scott | Mechanisms of self-organization underlying the coordination of brain and behavior. | FAU Psychology and Center for Complex Systems | Khamoui, Andy | Use of pre-clinical mouse models and human subjects to study cancer cachexia, skeletal muscle biology, exercise physiology, and mitochondrial function in health and disease. | FAU Exercise Science and Health Promotion | Kishi, Shuji | Gene identification and phenotype characterization; Age-related disorders in humans, using zebrafish as a model system | The Scripps Research Institute | Klofstad, Casey | Societal and biological influences on human behavior | Department of Political Science, University of Miami | Koch-Rose, Marguerite | Marine botany, nutrient cycling and climate change in tropical marine systems | FAU College of Science | Kumi-Diaka, J. K. | Reproductive pathophysiology and oncology | FAU College of Science | Lapointe, Brian | Algal physiology and biochemistry, seagrass and coral reef ecology, eutrophication, marine bioinvasions, marine conservation | FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Levy, Arkene | Understanding mechanisms of resistance in cancer and development of combination treatment strategies | College of Medical Sciences, Nova Southeastern University | Li, Dawei | Genomics and bioinformatics | FAU Biomedical Science | Li, Zhongwei | RNA metabolism, oxidative stress, biodefense | Biomedical Science, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine | Lu, Michael | RNA metabolism, RNA therapy, bacterial genomics | Biomedical Science, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine | Lyons, Jay | Cellular physiology and cell signaling processes | FAU College of Science | Macleod, Greg | Mitochondrial support of neurotransmission, pH influences on synaptic plasticity, neurotransmission and aging | FAU Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College | Mansfield, Kate | Marine biology and vertebrate zoology with an emphasis on sea turtle ecology, behavior, habitat use, and conservation | University of Central Florida | Mari, Frank | Peptides and proteins of marine origin, especially those from predatory venomous mollusks belonging to the genus Conus (cone snails), biochemically and functionally characterize components of interest | Hollings Marine Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology | Matilsky, Michael | Embryology and Andrology | IVF Laboratory at Boca Fertility | McCarthy, Peter | Cultivation and identification of the symbiotic microbes present in deep-water marine sponges; screening for novel antimicrobial agents from marine invertebrates and microbes; and finding biotechnological applications for microbial products | Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | McCoy, Krista | Understanding how environmental pollutants alter development, physiology, and behavior, and to devise ways to ameliorate their negative effects- from molecules to populations. | FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | McCoy, Michael | My research combines observational, experimental, and mathematical approaches to better understand the ecological and evolutionary processes that regulate populations, communities and ecosystems. | FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Miller, Courtney | Neurobiological underpinnings of memory disorders, with the goal of developing novel therapeutics | The Scripps Research Institute | Miller, Debra | Pathology of wildlife and exotic species (especially amphibians, sea turtles and marine mammals) | Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, University of Tennessee | Milton, Sarah L. | Vertebrate anoxia tolerance, marine turtle physiology | FAU College of Science | Murphey, Rod | Development and degeneration of synapses | FAU College of Science | O'Corry-Crowe, Greg | Investigating interactions between these apex predators and their environment | Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Oleinikov, Andrew | Malaria studies with emphasis on mechanisms of sequestration of infected erythrocytes, protective immune response and vaccine development, anti-adhesion drugs; high throughput and engineering approaches to advance studies of complex biological systems | Department of Biomedical Science, FAU | Page, Damon | Genetic regulation of growth and connectivity in the developing brain, and how cognition is shaped by the interplay of these "hard-wiring" processes and adaptation via plasticity. | The Scripps Research Institute | Page-Karjian, Annie | Investigating the epidemiology, pathogenesis, and disease ecology of infectious diseases and neoplasia of marine mammals and turtles. | FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Paul, Valerie | Ecological roles of marine natural products, impact of toxic cyanobacterial (Lynbya spp.) blooms on coral reef habitats | Smithsonian Marine Station | Pena, Rodrigo | Computational Neuroscience and Machine Learning; How different levels of brain organization communicate; Pathological and healthy states; Ion channels, neurons, and networks. | FAU College of Science | Perry, Gary | Molecular and cellular mechanisms regulating cell growth during neural development, regeneration, plasticity and neo-plasticity; SIDS; educational neuroscience: brain-based learning | Center for Complex Systems, FAU | Pomponi, Shirley | Developing in vitro techniques for production of sponge-derived bioactive molecules | Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Porter, Marianne E. | Biomechanics and functional morphology and physiology | FAU College of Science | Prentice, Howard | Hypoxia and the cardiovascular system | Department of Biomedical Science, FAU | Proffitt, C. Edward | Ecology of marine macrophytes and invertebrates | Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi | Puthanveettil, Sathyanarayanan | Molecular and cellular basis of long-term memory storage and its disorders | The Scripps Research Institute | Rangaraju, Vidhya | Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience, Neuroenergetics | Max Planck Florida Institute | Rathinavelu, Appu | Standardization and application of real-time PCR techniques in gene expression | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nova Southeastern University | Riche, Martin | Nutrition and physiology of aquatic animals, larval marine fish | FAU Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Robishaw, Janet | Genomics and Precision Medicine | Biomedical Science, FAU Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine | Rumbaugh, Gavin | How synaptic proteins actively contribute to memory formation and storage | The Scripps Research Institute | Salmon, Michael | Animal behavior | FAU College of Science | Shanbhag, Venkatesh | Organic Synthesis, Bio-active molecules, Natural Products | Department of Chemistry and Physics, Nova Southeastern University | Shen, Wen | Neurophysiology, receptor pharmacology, synapsis, glutamate toxicity | Department of Biomedical Science, FAU | Stackman, Jr., Robert W. | Learning and memory | Department of Psychology and Center for Complex Systems, FAU | Stern, Sarah | Neuroscience, Neural Circuits and Behavior, Transcriptomics | Max Planck Florida Institute | Stewart, Kelly | Marine vertebrate ecology and behavior, population dynamics and genetics, biogeography, threatened species biology and conservation and field biology | Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Sutton, Tracey T. | Quantitative ecology and structure of marine ecosystems | Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences, Nova Southeastern | Tao, Rui | Neural circuits affected by drug abuse, Psychostimulant-induced hallucinations, Environmental factor-dependent effects of psychostimulants | Department of Biomedical Science, FAU | Telkes, Ilknur | Biomedical signal processing and machine learning, neural markers, neuromodulation implants (e.g., spinal cord stimulation, deep brain stimulation), chronic pain, movement disorders, clinical research, medical technologies | FAU College of Medicine | Thompson, Nancy | Marine science | Keys Marine Laboratory | Toll, Lawrence | Neuropharmacology of opioid and nicotinic receptors with respect to pain
and drug abuse | FAU College of Medicine | Van Praag, Henriette | Regulation and function of adult hippocampal neurogenesis | Department of Biomedical Science, FAU | Varela, Carmen | Thalamic circuits and their contribution to the mechanisms of learning. | FAU Psychology | Vertes, Robert | Behavioral neuroscience, functional organization of the brainstem and its role in controlling the activity of the forebrain and neurophysiology of sleep | Department of Psychology and Center for Complex Systems, FAU | Volin, John | Conservation biology | Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Connecticut | Voss, Joshua | Coral reef ecology, development of advance molecular technologies with field-based ecological applications, molecular profiling of bacterial communities, marine conservation and management, integration within and among academic disciplines | Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute | Wang, Yingxue | Neuronal mechanisms of episodic memory | Max Planck Florida Institute | Wei, Jianning | Neurodegenerative disorders | Department of Biomedical Science, FAU | Weissbach, Herbert | Effect of oxidative stress on normal and cancer cells | FAU College of Science | West, Lyndon | Discovery of pharmacologically-active metabolites from marine invertebrates, anti-cancer and anti-microbial agents, use of stem cells in developing new drugs for cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases | FAU Chemistry and Biochemistry | Widder, Edith | Protection and restoration of marine ecosystems, and the species they sustain | Ocean Research and Conservation Association | Wojcikiewicz, Ewa | Inflammation and cancer research | Department of Biomedical Science, FAU | Wu, Jang Yen | Neurotransmission and brain disorders | Department of Biomedical Science, FAU | Wyneken, Jeanette | Integrative biology, comparative and functional morphology | FAU College of Science | Xu, Baoji | How neural circuits are formed, modified, and maintained in the brain | The Scripps Research Institute | Yasuda, Ryohei | Neuronal signal transduction | Max Planck Florida Institute | Zhang, Xing-Hai | Plant physiology, molecular biology and biotechnology | FAU College of Science |